Welcome to Newcontact.eu

Newcontact.eu is a CRM platform belonging to the NewCap company, enabling the sending of newsletters on behalf of its customers. The email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is used as the sender.

Newcontcat.eu means:

Respect for Good Emailing Practices
We strictly adhere to email best practices, ensuring that you only receive relevant communications at the right time. Our emails are designed to be clear, concise and free from intrusive content. We promise never to overload your inbox.

Compliance with current regulations

Your trust is our priority. Newcontact.eu fully complies with current regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data and offer you full control over your communication preferences. At any time, you can change your preferences or unsubscribe with one click.

Transparency and Ethics

We believe in a transparent relationship with our users. Your data will never be shared or sold to third parties. We are here to provide you with a useful service, while fully respecting your privacy.